New kinde of cooperation with Armenia

Systemic institutional mechanisms for effective cooperation with Business, Investors, Public figures, Civil servants & Government agencies.

NC Outside Projects

The NATIONAL CENTER Foundation, in addition to its own projects, is ready to develop and invest resources in promising Outside projects proposed by citizens or organizations. The NATIONAL CENTER is ready to consider any proposed project, analyze it and help in its implementation.

NC Inside Projects

The NATIONAL CENTER Development Foundation has a number of targeted and systematic projects that are currently being developed. Some of them have already been launched, the rest are in the process of development. Also, the Foundation constantly generates new and new projects that correspond to the values and objectives for the development of the institutional mechanisms of the Armenian state. In addition to system solutions, NATIONAL CENTER implements social projects aimed at improving the education of citizens, enhancing their citizenship and dignity.

Our Projects

We create Systemic mechanisms to develop

Establishing cooperation between private sector, society and government agencies.

Start a new level of relations with Armenia

Send any of your proposal by email for development in Armenia together with Armenia. Our Foundation will support promising projects and advices.